
5 Abbey Green, Nuneaton CV11 5DR

£10,000 pa
Available from Coventry
29 Warwick Row


  • Retail Property (High Street)

The property is located at the heart of the busy Abbey Green neighbourhood shopping area on the north-western side of Nuneaton within a quarter of a mile of the Borough's Inner Ring Road and the town centre itself.

Neighbouring occupiers include various takeaway businesses, restaurants and retail shops, hairdressers etc and the busy Central Avenue Service station with its Spa convenience store is almost diagonally opposite.

Parking is possible on the immediate street frontage.

The property comprises ground floor retail shop premises with ancillary accommodation at ground floor, first floor and second floor levels providing for a wide variety of potential E use class business uses in addition to retail the accommodation briefly comprises Ground Floor Retail Sales Area (with upvc retail shop front), Rear Store (with fitted sink, door to rear yard and stairs to First Floor) and Toilet (with wc).

On the First Floor are Front and Rear Store Rooms (with upvc double glazed windows) and further staircase to the Second Floor Attic Room (with front sky light).

Ground Floor: 428.00 sqft
First Floor: 221.00 sqft
Second Floor: 126.00 sqft
Total: 775.00 sqft

Key Facts

Rental £10,000 Flexible E Use Class Busy neighbourhood Shopping Centre