
Emergency Contractor Contacts over Christmas

Nuneaton – leaks, appliances and locks (not 25th, 26th 31st December) Homesmayd – 07855 525689.  Leaks and boiler issues - HPS - 02476 381879

Coventry – all issues DAKS Electrical – 02477360050 option 6.  All issues Boston Maintenance – 07715 369172.

For Residential Block Management properties:

Drainage, plumbing leaks, roofing - Viking Building Solutions - 07446 170620

Electrical - Alan Smith & Sons (except December 24th to 28th) - 07977 130740

Electrical - RES Electrical - 07547 114966

Door entry, intercoms, aerials - DLS Digital - 07855 552767

Out of hours service for BML Group - 0207 101 4800 Option 7